The ShatsuChan collection
Below we have listed all ShatsuChans released until now. Not all of them are available as NFT yet so follow ShatsuChan on > Twitter to get updates about minting.
The numbers indicated reflect the time when the design idea was born. So it could be that we release a low number way after a high number, simply because we finished a design which we are satisfied with. If you see any numbers missing, be sure there is a ShatsuChan in the making!
#1 ShatsuChan
Hello World! ShatsuChan is here. The very first ShatsuChan created and the beginning of a legacy.
#4 GouryuuChan
Where does all the rainwater flow?
Coming together…
Well maybe a small explanation about that, gouryuu is written on many manhole covers, and this shats is reflecting their design. However, gouryuu means not only central sewer but also coming together in a wider sense.
#7 ByobuChan
今回のシャツちゃんのシャツは、室町時代 (1392-1573)の京都の「洛中洛外図」と言う古くて有名な絵にインスパイアされているよ!
This ShatsuChan shatsu is inspired by rakuchu-rakugai-zu (center and suburb pictures) which are famous paintings from old kyoto dating back as far as Muromachi period (1392-1573). Ever since then the painters used golden clouds to separate scenes from different places or different topics and bring them together on one painting.
If you are in Kyoto please visit the Kyoto National Museum to see great examples of them!
Can you guess all the temples on this shatsu?
#8 “KoriChan”
KakiKori is Japanese delicious desert popular in summer time. It is the shaved ice with many kinds of sweet sauce on top of it. You should try all flavors! Cola, lemon, strawberry, ramune…
KoriChan loves KakiKori!!!
#11 MiniChan
ShatsuChan wearing a ShatsuChan shatsu!
#12 HankiChan
Say hello to “HankiChan”.
HankiChan loves vending machines. It is a rumor that there is one vending machine on each ten people in Japan. In Japanese they are called “jidouhanbaiki” which is too long to say, so we just say “jihanki”.
Jihanki is very convenient and you can have drink everywhere with no need carrying it. Also they are the only places which have trash bins for cans and bottles attached which is why some people also throw normal trash there. Please don’t do that
#15 GundamChan
ShatsuChan loves giant robots!
This shatsu is tribute to “gundam”, maybe most famous giant human piloted robots anime. It was released in 1979 but it was not the first, there was already “blocker gundan 4 machine blaster”, “gaiking” and “choudenji robo combattler” even before! Ever since toy robots make 90 % of Japan plastic figure exports.
Today you can see moving gundam robot in Odaiba Tokyo bay, please come and enjoy
#16 InvaderChan
This Shatsu Design comes with a sad story
この素敵な #招き猫 は、「インベーダー」というアーティストに作られたものであって、2017年と2018年の間に盗まれちゃったの!
This beautiful piece of #manekineko by streetart artist invader was stolen between 2017 and 2018.
#渋谷 のど真ん中にあって、作品を通る度に幸せを与えてくれていたのに!
It was right in the middle of #Shibuya and brought joy to us whenever we passed it!
返して欲しいよね!街にストリートアート復活を協力するなら いいね♡を押してね
We want it back!!! Like if you want to support us bring streetart back to the streets.
#18 巴ちゃん TomoeChan
ShatsuChan Japanese family crest edition
“Mitsu Tomoe” (3 comma shapes)
Have you seen this crest yet? If you visit Japan you will find Mitsu Tomoe mon galore, especially on the roof tiles of Shinto shrines.
Mitsu Tomoe is a sign of “Hachiman” god of war. ShatsuChan will wear this shirt next time when going to yoyogi Hachiman station!
#19 SkaterChan
シャツちゃんは最近 @yutohorigome に会ったのよ!歴史上初めてのスケートボード金メダリスト!!
堀米悠斗さんのメッセージがシンプルでありながらとても意味深い: have fun skating!
ShatuChan recently met yuto horigome first skater ever to win Olympic gold medal!!! We were so happy that we dedicated this Shatsu to him. His message was quite simple yet profoundly telling what it’s all about: “have fun skating”!
#20 ToritsukiChan 鳥居月Chan
ShatsuChan is wearing a #shatsu inspired by a very traditional Japanese motive “gate and moon” (torii tsuki ).
Torii were build already 1000 years ago and they are often found at the entrance of Shinto shrines as a symbol for transition from common to sacred.
Have you noticed the paper hanging from the Torii in shape of thunder? They are called “shide” and shall prevent bad spirits from entering.
#23 NattouChan
Many foreigner find it is stinky and icky but we think it is healthy and yummy!!!
Made from fermented soybeans it is a great breakfast on rice with soy sauce mustard or raw egg.
#28 KorinChan
This shatsu is tribute to the famous byoubu (folding screen) by #OgataKorin founder of #Rinpa school of painting with design of Iris flowers.
The original byoubu is a national treasure #kokuhou and part of #nezumuseum collection
Must see when in Tokyo!!!
#29 NarashikaChan
ShatsuChan went to Nara to feed the Nara deer, they are so cute!!!
Maybe it is a good time now to see the autumn leaves (kouyou) and feed the deer (Shika).
They must be starving because no tourists were coming to feed them their favorite crackers!
Don’t get bitten though!
Also please say hello the big Buddha (daibutsu) in Todaiji (Todai temple)!
東大寺に座ってる大仏にもよろしく ^_^
#33 MasukuChan
The new normal is here, this ShatsuChan is wearing his mask as an integrated Tshirt design.
Wearing mask in Japan is very normal long before Corona pandemic. We wear mask not first to protect ourselves but protect others around. Because trains are crowded it is a courtesy to everyone. Please wear it
#35 Harvest Moon Chan
Harvest moon
Today is “harvest moon”, the ninth full moon of the year and beginning of a new season. Let’s go out together and enjoy the “super moon” as we call it. ShatsuChan was very impressed by the foto of oyumi413 that we made a design out of it ♥️ In black and white it really reminds us of old kurosawa movies!
今日は中秋の名月だ! 新しい季節の始まり。一緒に出かけて「スーパームーン」を楽しもうよ シャツちゃんは @oyumi413 の写真に感じ入られてデザインを作りました。 白黒で古い黒澤映画を思い出させる。